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How Physical Therapy Can Increase Fertility

By October 20, 2016January 12th, 2021No Comments

Physical Therapy and Fertility













If you’re dealing with fertility issues, you’re not alone. About 10 percent of women in America suffer from infertility, according to the CDC.

While there are treatment options, they can be quite expensive and problematic. In-vitro fertilization costs an average of $12,000, which doesn’t include medications that cost another $3,000 to $5,000. Other advanced treatments are also costly and invasive.

However, there is hope for women looking for a more affordable and less invasive method of fertility support.


A recent study found that a special type of physical therapy, the Clear Passage Approach (CPA), helps women dealing with certain infertility issues increase their chances of getting pregnant.

The study tracked more than 1,300 women over a 10-year period and saw a 40-60% success rate of the women getting pregnant.

The women in the study suffered from the most common causes of infertility, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), premature ovarian failure (POF), blocked fallopian tubes, and endometriosis. The therapy was most effective in the following:

  • 60% of women with blocked fallopian tubes became pregnant
  • 53% of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome became pregnant
  • 43% of women with endometriosis became pregnant

The Clear Passage Approach combines several whole-body and site-specific physical therapy techniques. It focuses on decreasing adhesions, the internal scars that form on the body due to infection, inflammation, surgery, or endometriosis.

Adhesions can block fallopian tubes and decrease the mobility of reproductive structures. The physical therapy deforms adhesions and improves mobility, giving women another viable option for fertility treatment.


Though the new physical therapy treatment is promising, it may not lead to pregnancy. That’s because fertility is a couples’ issue, not just a women’s issue.

Men contribute to 50% of infertility cases, yet 80% of men won’t receive a fertility evaluation. Though you may have been diagnosed with a fertility problem, your partner should check his sperm as well.

Low sperm count and sperm motility (the movement of the sperm) are the primary factors in fertility problems in men. Guys don’t even have to go to a clinic to check their sperm. They can use SpermCheck, an at-home male fertility test that determines if their sperm count is adequate.

Infertility can be a stressful and heartbreaking problem for couples. And expensive treatments can cause added financial stress. Make sure you look at all factors—including male factor infertility—and treatments, such as physical therapy, when exploring pregnancy options.

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